28 June 2005

Quiz Results

You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Neo orthodox




Reformed Evangelical




Modern Liberal


Classical Liberal


Roman Catholic


What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com

My life is nothing.

My life is nothing.
Even what I would want it to be is nothing.

Where else is there to go but to God?
What could be better than living in obedience to Him?

24 June 2005

From work

I worked 4 10 hr days this week.
Took Wed off.

This is hard.

I ran behind and I'm here at 10 pm on Friday night.
This sucks.

Being here feels like..... death.

22 June 2005

More on the force

Don't we all want a life full of meaning? The Jedi have this.
Doing good, having a purpose, and a connection to a higher power.

Notice how their lives revolve around their duties as Jedi. Their fearlessness, their selflessness, and self sacrifice.

If only we trusted God(and devoted our lives to Him) the way the Jedi trust the force,...... I can't even describe the awesomeness.


My idea of marriage is not fully formed, probably because I come from a single-parent family. I don't know what marriage is all about, but I'm thinking now that it's less of a cure for lonliness, and more of companionship.

The longings I've had for a wife now look less like things a wife can fill.
Those feelings of lonliness or completeness look like something for God to fill/heal. Comments?

Holy Spirit > The Force

I took today (Wed) off from work, since I'm working 4 10 hr days now. I went to see Star Wars Episode III. It was cool. I was thinking about "the force" and how the force took the place of God, but was not in itself God. The Jedi were powerless to cause any changes unless they were physically at the point of conflict. Pfft.. weak. Since our power (the holy spirit) is entirely not of us, but of God, we rely on God. And.. Even if we're not at the place that needs help, we can pray from a distance -- interceeding.

Now what I was thinking was... Wouldn't it be cool if we all used technology to alert the other Christians to start interceeding on the behalf of something? Then I got a better idea. God, won't you pour out your Holy Spirit upon us! Won't you pour it out in such strength that we don't need cell phones or the internet, or anything else to alert us to our mission of intercession...

Imagine this... The Holy Spirit alerting Christians all around the world to pray on the behalf of something, no need for technology, no need for communication in a physical way. I am sure this is aleady happening. But it's not happening enough!

Intercession isn't happening enough, and we could use a healthy dose of Holy Spirit telling us when and what to pray for.

God, send us more of your Holy Spirit! In such strength that we all know exactly when and what to pray for! And help us to be radically obedient to your Holy Spirit!

It's not that He's not already doing this, He is. But are we being obedient to listen and obey his leading? Even if we are, we could all use MORE of his presence!

I'm envisioning a time when his presence and power are so strong, there is no question when we're asked to pray. A time when we're so disciplined we'll drop everything and pray, and pray until the job is done!

What if we listened to the Holy Spirit as much as the Jedi listened to 'the force'?!

20 June 2005


Car horns should not be used as doorbells. --Especially not at 12 am.

I broke.

Today I broke. I was listening to WMBI and I started laughing at some really terrible joke the DJ said. Then, something broke. I don't know what, but I felt some kind of latent anger/frustration -- probably directed at God -- about my current circumstances lift.

Later I was listening to Open Line with Dr. Cole, that guy must be old. Man is he wise! I get great stuff out of that show all the time.

He said something interesting, something like; Gaining the ability for spiritual stamina was the mark of spiritual maturity. In that, we all have our ups and downs, but with maturity, we are more spiritually stable.

I like that idea. I am tired of the spiritual roller-coaster of the past few years. I am thankful that things have been pretty smooth lately. Not always the circumstances, but my spiritual health has been.

19 June 2005


What good is it to anyone if I tone down my faith? I need to show it and live it all the way. To my experience level and beyond. I can not limit my faith only to what I have seen. I need to study the gaps in the bridges I have been taught. --People often teach me some truth 'bridge' and there are gaps in it because they expect I will just accept what they are saying. Sometimes people teach me bridges that they themselves don't know all the pieces to, they just were taught to them, so they tell them to me. I want to know that the holes and gaps in the bridges have substance in them. I need to know they're solid. And I need to study the theological difference points So I can use that knowledge to clarify things and unify the Body.

People are drawn to the glory of God within me, and about me, and to His Word. Not to a non-threatening presentation. Is the only reason this works due to the points of bright light that still shine through the easy, non-threatening curtain? Maybe I am being too harsh on seeker-friendly stuff. Maybe those places are nurserys? I'd really like there to be somewhere that's fully functional. Some place where the babies and the elderly go, and everyone in between, the sick, and the healthy. All benefiting from each other's gifts and experiences.

I need to live life as if everyone around me were wanting to chase after God completely. I owe them that, I owe ME that. People without understanding would follow me around as I demonstrated the kingdom. Even if they didn't openly accept it. The curiosity and acknowledgment of the authenticity (of God, really) would draw them. And God would show himself in me. Whether they follow me to the beach, or just observe from life, they're watching whether they admit it or not.
for this whole 'beach' thing to make sense, see the bottom of this post

To walk in faith (not only understanding) will glorify God, and make opportunity to advance the kingdom in their life and mine.

If my first priority is faith and prayer; and it's REAL, it will work. Would God not come through? What if I fail? I'm afraid of stepping out and not seeing fruit. Not only because I might look wrong, but because I fear to lose faith by trying to earn more.

Does that have anything to do with the parable of the talents?!

Will God leave me hanging? Not only to look foolish, but to feel failed by God? It requires great faith to believe God, even when your experience does not match your expectations.

Bill Johnson said something like, if you're ok with looking wrong when are, you'll be ok when you look wrong when you're not.. Or something like that. It's relevant, really. ;P

I'll have to look that up on my DVDs and write an updated post.

To expect perfection from myself (which I often do) is pride. To be afraid to be wrong is pride. Pride could cause religion, stagnation, etc..

The humble will learn God's mysteries.
The humble will advance the kingdom.
The humble could teach me a thing or two.

I want to be humble. I want to be O.K. with being wrong.
I fail no one if I am wrong.
I fail only if I quit trying.
Negative results aren't failure, they're progress -- finding my way to the right solution. e.g. Thomas Edison and his thousands of 'failures' when inventing the light bulb.

ok, to make sense of the whole "following me to the beach" comment, (hey, I was half asleep when I wrote this down in my journal) -- I was thinking about this, and saw a picture in my mind, of ministering to people at the sea shore. Some were skeptical, some disagreed with me, some openly talked against me, and God. But they followed me to the beach. They were interested and curious, even if they openly disagreed with me, and talked bad about me. The people in this vision were not of this culture or country (USA). But even the people in the U.S. are watching. If I acted from a kingdom perspective at work, they'd call me crazy, maybe I'd get fired. But maybe they'd see that I was absolutely crazy for something that was absolutely real. I can act a fool if God is glorified. What if I get fired from 10 jobs for acting out of reality (God's reality, not the fallen world's) ????? But what if after 10 jobs, God started moving in my life, and backed up all the stuff I proclaimed from the bible?!?!!???!!!

Where do I start? Well, first of all, when there's a problem... #1, pray. And openly suggest prayer to unbelievers around me (and sometimes even harder -- to believers).
That's where I start. If God is real, and he answers prayer; I will pray.

16 June 2005


So while reading Cindy's Blog today I was reminded of a thought I had a while back.

When I get competitive in a bad way, It is because I'm judging myself. Wrong-hearted competition with others comes out of me judging me. I can not judge me. That is God's job.

It's important to remember that my identity is in Christ, not in my competency in whatever area I am being competitive in.

This thought could really be expanded upon... I bet it has something to do with critisizm.

15 June 2005

Ghetto Soul....

On the roof

It's ME!

Thoughts for today

'...Can I be free from the chains of my religion
They wrap around my head and blind my eyes of faith
And I feel dangerous cos I hunger for the truth...'

I was listening to this Delirious song today (lyrics) and those words really hit me.

Elevator Dream

I had a dream last night:
I went to a mall in Chicago, similar to Watertower Place. Went to the top floor (30th) to look around and came back down to 1. I came back, the next day maybe? It was Sunday now, and it was late in the evening. I thought the stores might be closed, but I would give it a try anyway. There was a sign in the window of the bottom floor that showed the closing times of the stores, but they closed at different times.

At the entrance to the 1st floor there was a guy who might have been a guard. He had an earring and looked gay, but I don't think he was gay. He didn't tell me I couldn't go in, but he was an obstacle. I yelled "drugs!" and some cops came to investigate, as drug dealers across the street hid their stash. While the guy was tied up explaining to the cops, I went into the building. There were a few people trickling out of the building, probably people leaving work. I got into the elevator. I went to the top floor --the 30th floor-- and looked around but everything was closed down. I got back into the elevator and pushed the down button, interestingly not the 1 button. The elevator moved fast, I could tell by the G forces. On the way down I jumped, and rather than just being in the air for an instant, I was off the floor about 6-12 inches for a few seconds.. because I was free-falling. The elevator slowed to stop at a different floor, and people got on. Every time the elevator would stop, I would have to press the down button again, it would forget that I had hit the down button. I had to explain to people as they got on why I was doing this. Different floors were different things.. many were offices, one was an executive office with a fancy door, but nobody got on or off.

The building had 2 levels where you could access the street. 1st floor and 8th floor. Some people were getting off at the 8th floor, I got off at the 1st floor.

I woke up.

Interestingly, I happend across the dream interpretation chart my mom bought from streams. Maybe I'll post what I got out of that at a later time, in the meantime, feel free to interpret that one.

Swimming Pool Dream

I went to an entertaining show, like the ones at Disney World where they dive and stuff into a pool and throw flaming sticks around, etc.

I was there with a girl that I know of, I haven't seen her in a long time. Her name's Janet. She was someone who would hang out in the circle of friends I had around the end of HS, and the few awkward years after graduating.

I was going to throw her into the pool from a diving platform. She is small, so this would normally be a fun and easy thing to do. But there was a railing at the edge of the platform, so I had to throw her from underneath the bar. I didn't want to throw her too short and have her hit the crowd or the ground. I swung her forward and back a few times.. you know.. 1... 2... 3... But I didn't throw her.

The crowd was watching, some were cheering, then they waited in suspense to see if I'd do it. I didn't. It was hard not to throw her with the crowd wanting to see it, but it just didn't seem safe, and really I started to think about how this would be annoying and inconvenient to her. So I didn't do it, even though it would disappoint some people.

Any ideas?

Defensive Prayer

I really try not to pray defensive prayer. There is no butt-plate in the armor. His kingdom only advances.. And why do they call 'retreats' retreats anyway? Why not call them War-Camps? That sounds militant, lol, but really, something else.

Really, at group last Friday, there was a little defensive praying going on. I put a stop to that by praying violent, dangerous prayers. I don't want things to just stay away from my friend, I want demons to flee in fear of the power of the Holy Spirit upon that man!

Lightning Bugs

So last night I was outside around midnight and saw a lightning bug. It was fast, and it flew through the yard with short bursts of light. Either that, or there were about 20 bugs all in a row that looked like a beleivable flight-path.

And what's with these bugs anyway? When I was a kid they'd light up for several seconds at a time, flying around. Now adays they are more like a strobe. Maybe it's an adaptation to evade the wiffle-ball bats used to swat them out of the air. --But then that'd just be my yard.

14 June 2005

Isn't it REAL?

Who wants to go target the poor, the drunks, the drug addicts?

Where's our mission? What are we doing? I don't want to have church for Christians.

Let's leave the 99 and look for the 1. In doing so we'll grow closer, we'll change lives, we'll do good.
It's a mission. A purpose.. more than coming just for Sundays.

what if 99% of the people leave? That could be hard.. But why not have 10 people who want to change the world instead of 100 who
don't want to do anything.

Where's the passion? Where's the love for God? What are they lacking that would make them alive?

Robbie talked about feeling bad if he didn't go evangelize, etc.
DUH! that revitalizes us!

How bad do we want it?

Let's ask them, and hope they answer honestly.. Why aren't you on fire for God? what is it that you don't believe? What is it that feels dead? Let's minister to the misconceptions about God. Let's be honest if we don't believe, let's be honest if we know we're being disobedient.

If you talk about it, it could get better.

If this is real, how can we stop ourselves from praising him? From doing the Father's work, from seeking after it with all we have.

If it's not real, why are we here? Why bother showing up on Sunday?

If it is real... let's move forward, let's die to ourselves. Let's be honest about where we're at. No more pride.

What will it take to convict us? Seeing an example of someone chasing after God?
Maybe that'll let us see what we're missing.

13 June 2005

Seeing more of God

I don't have to go to Africa to see more of God.. Though I'd probably see more, quicker.

How does the kingdom work? Faith? Desparation? The truth is the truth wherever it is. If God's doing amazing stuff in Africa, is it because the faith is higher? The hearts are softer? There's desparation?!?

How do I see more of God here, now?

Wed Lunch worship jam

How bout a Wed lunchtime worship jam?
Sweet!.... whoever wants to come.. I bet the staff would dig it..

I'm sitting at work, and I want to sing soooo omuch...
drives me nuts I'm stuck here..

You're a missionary wherever you are.

In whatever community you're in.

You could be a missionary to the poor.. You wouldn't have to BE poor, but just be in their community..
Maybe not use your wealth. Live with them, but don't use your abundant cash for a new Jaguar to park outside your cardboard box.

Our church is called to be a community. Is everyone waiting for someone to come along who's just like them? We wouldn't do that if we were missionaries! We'd be reaching out, building bridges to people who aren't -just-like-us-.

I'm not up on church lingo, but that sounds missional.