22 September 2005


So, after a political discussion on IRC with some rather unrespectful A holes...

Today I think I'll ditch the two-party system.
The whole system is pretty jacked.. how can anyone expect real change to come from/through it?

people complain about political parties, but to what end? Neither of the two are the right way.

What is the 'right way'?
It's God's way! The Bible is full of those wonderful things called moral absolutes!
and, if you think it's all just religion and rules, wrong! it's spirit too. And not just any spirit. God is the supreme authority in all things. He's it, and you can know him, talk to him, etc.
And if you don't believe in the spiritual, well, I hope something unexplainably spiritual comes your way.

And if you think I'm crazy for believing that stuff, well.... lock me up and throw away the key. -- if you've been given that authority.

And who gives that authority? God! ahahhaa God is in charge, God is in charge.


I'm giving up on 'covering my ass' in debates. I can be wrong. I'll do what I know is right, and if I learn I was wrong, I'll make another change.

I'll not try to make myself look smart, or demand respect. I may not have respect ever. Or it may be when I am very old. But I cannot grow at the pace others would set for me. If they give non-constructive criticism, they're judging me. Screw that. I'll take advice, but not the judgments of man.


13 September 2005

Great iTunes iMix

Electro Indie Dance
This mix is really interesting. I'd say it is maybe 1/2 to 1/3 of the genre(s) I am into currently.

This doesn't really cover the new brit rock... or synth-brit rock or synth-euro pop
or whatever.

07 September 2005

I want...

I want a woman worth fighting for.