14 October 2008


Work in progress. some of this may be a STRETCH

What is the role of a compliment?

What is a compliment
A compliment is affirmation, a confirmation, it testifies to truth.
- A compliment is the witness to truth

Because a compliment is affirmation, and is based on truth;
- A compliment is given in/with the character of the giver.
- The giver's character/actions should be congruent with this truth.

A compliment should be given freely.
Flattery is a comment made with the goal of getting something out of it.
Flattery is manipulation.

Compliments should not be given in response to manipulation.
- Instead, the root of the problem should be spoken to.

For ultimate effect, compliments should be Spirit-led

Can a compliment be pro-active?
- Would it then be prophecy? or best-restated?

When a compliment is given without expectation or manipulation.
It is freely given, it's easier for someone to give.

Reasons why it's hard to give a compliment
- Fear of man - If you were free of fear of man, their reaction won't disrupt you.
- Your false perception of their reaction won't even exist.
- Your true negative perception will not de-motivate you, the compliment is for them.
- You don't believe the truth about them
- You probably don't believe the truth about you.

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